In 1998 Bret and Jemaine decided to start a band. With a combined knowledge of three chords on the guitar they set about jamming out. The first song was Foux Du FaFa, (two chords) and they called themselves Moustache. The four piece band had Bret on casio-tone, Jemaine on guitar, and their friends Toby Laing and Tim Jaray on trumpet and double bass. They performed their one song at the Wellington Fringe Festival late night club and members of the audience were said to have been mildly impressed
by the act.
     After the encouraging feedback the pair continued to write songs in their living room, subjecting their six flatmates to relentless three chord jams. After several weeks they knew four chords and Jemaine got them a gig to perform at the Thursday night Comedy Club. On the afternoon of the gig they realised they needed a band name. The initial list of names included Roxygen Supply, Albatrocity, and Tanfastic. But the final name was chanced upon in a series of events that went something like this:
Jemaine went to the bathroom and noticed the flat toilet was called the Concorde, he returned from the bathroom to suggest the name Conchord, and Bret saidWhat about Flight of the Conchords, and Jemaine saidokay, and Bret saidokay, and Jemaine saidokay thenand Bret saidWe should go to the gig, we're late.
     That night was their first performance as Flight of the Conchords. Bret and Jemaine were so nervous they couldn't speak between songs. Despite their performance anxiety the crowd of eleven people enjoyed their gig and were heard clapping and talking amongst themselves.
I Told You I Was Freaky 2009
- Sugalumps
- Told You I Was Freaky
- Friends
- Carol Brown
Flight of the Conchords 2008
- Foux du Fafa
- Hiphopopotamus
- Boom
- Think About It
The Distant Future 2007
- Robots
- Most Beautiful Girl
- Business Time
- If You're Into It