Discounts available: Military, Student, & Seniors 65+     Every Tuesday 10% off all food with purchase of a beverage

Great Coffee for Everyone!

Coffee, like art, has an aesthetic. Our coffee aesthetic is rooted in the belief that great coffee comes from a line of respect beginning with the farmers and their respect for their land. We, in turn, respect the farmers by paying fair prices for their harvest, and respect our customers by taking great care in the roasting and brewing process. Respect is at the core of our coffee philosophy, and taste is paramount.

What is Coffee?

Coffee is the seed of the fruit of the coffee tree; a tree which grows between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Coffee trees are called Coffea, hence the name coffee. There are hundreds of genera and thousands of species of coffee tree worldwide. The two main genera of coffee are Arabica and Canephora (more popularly called Robusta). The fruit is picked when ripe, then processed (which includes fermentation, drying, milling, and sorting). The processed coffee is then roasted, ground and brewed into the beverage we know as coffee. Though there are great coffees to be found of both the Arabica and Robusta varieties, Metropolis only sources, roasts, and sells Specialty Grade Arabica coffee.

The Story of Coffee

A typical pound of coffee contains roughly 2500-3000 seeds (raw coffee beans). That means it takes between 1000 and 3000 coffee cherries, harvested by hand, to produce a single pound of coffee! The process requires lots of individuals believing in the promise of the coffee, and acting with the best intentions to realize its potential, step after step.


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50 West 23rd St. (between 5th and 6th Avenues)
New York, NY 10010

Monday – Friday:  7am-7pm
Saturday & Sunday: 8am-6pm

Our first Manhattan cafe, 50 W. 23rd Street brings the vintage
inspired feel of our Brooklyn outposts to the big city.  Using a
pair of La Marzocco FB80s sitting atop a one-of-a-kind bar,
our 23rd Street baristas deliver perfectly pulled espresso shots
to fuel the Flatiron district.  The spacious cafe is a time-warp
in the best way.  From the rotating pastry carousel to the free
45rpm jukebox, you will feel transported to a
coffee lover’s idea of heaven.

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25 Jay Street
Brooklyn NY 11201
718-514-2874 (cafe)
718-855-1000 (office/wholesale info)

Monday – Sunday: 7am-7pm

25 Jay Street is Brooklyn Roasting Company’s espresso lab
and roasting headquarters. Our espresso bar is powered by multiple
La Marzocco FB80 espresso machines. Our highly talented barista
staff are trained to make any espresso drinks and aim to please
even the most discerning coffee connoisseur. The spacious cafe is
always buzzing: be ready to walk amongst BRC’s production
staff actively roasting and packing the same coffee beans you can
order at the bar.  From the reclaimed tables and furniture, to the
staff lofts, our 25 Jay Street cafe is a look into the workings of
our company.

Wi-fi at Bardo

"Enhance your experience in our stores, the Bardo Digital Network
which offers fascinating – and free – Internet content from a variety of partners."

You can check the news and access local information while connected
to our free Wi-Fi service. From exclusive movie trailers and other videos
to a bounty of other premium offerings, the Bardo Digital Network offers
you a world of content from one convenient, comfy location.