Management Information Systems MIS 310 Faculty Website

Privacy Policy


We appreciate your interest in our products and your visit to this website.

We respect your Privacy

The protection of your privacy in the processing of your personal data is an important concern to which we pay special attention during our business processes. Personal data collected during visits to our web sites are processed by us confidentially and in accordance with applicable law. Data protection and information security are part of our company policy. OUR web sites may include links to other web sites. If you are linked to a third-party web site, a new window will be opened. Even if the new web site uses OUR name and the OUR logo, WE do not assume any liability for the performance, quality accuracy, timeliness, reliability or any other aspect of products or services on these web sites. We are not responsible for third party legal or privacy policies, nor for their processing of same.

Collection and Processing of Personal Data

When you visit our web sites, our web server automatically records the name of your internet service provider, the web site from which you visit us, the web sites you actually visit and the date and length of your visit. WE may use cookies and active components (e.g. JavaScript) to follow the preferences of our visitors and optimize our web sites accordingly. You can reset your browser either to notify you when you receive a cookie or to refuse to accept cookies. Please note that certain areas of most sites may not function properly if you reject a cookie. Additional personal data is only stored if volunteered by you For example, in context of a registration, survey, contest or during execution of a contract.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Data and Purpose Specification

WE will use your personal data for the sole purpose of technical administration of the web sites, customer administration, product surveys and marketing, only to the extent necessary in each specific case. Your individual, identifiable, personal data will not be disclosed to third parties outside the OUR Group without your consent.


While WE use security measures in order to protect the data we have under our control against manipulation, loss, destruction, access by unauthorized persons or against unauthorized disclosure, and while our security procedures are continually enhanced as new technology becomes available, we cannot guarantee that personally identifiable information which you submit on the site will be secure.

Children's Guidelines

We do not knowingly collect or use any personal data from online visitors under 13 years of age. We do not knowingly allow visitors under the age of 13 to participate in any promotions or contests made available on Bosch web sites from time to time.

Freedom of choice

We would like to use your data to inform you about our products and services and request your opinion, where applicable. Naturally, your participation in such campaigns is voluntary. Should you not consent, you can inform us at any time, so that we can prohibit the use of your data accordingly. For further information we refer you to the local web site services.


For information, helpful suggestions and complaints regarding processing of your personal data, you can refer to our Chief Data Protection Officer. Should there be data incorrect in spite of our efforts to achieve accuracy and timeliness, we will correct that information at your request.

Chief Data Protection Officer
Department Data Protection and Information Security Group
Vice President
Commercial Information Technology





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