
My goals for my portfolio website is to show my overall skills in the many programs I've learned here at CI.

Nav Bar Plans

So for my Nav bar I generally have the basic layout for it down. I need to figure out how to move the images over to the left of the text and make it so the icon only appears until it's hovered over. As well as making it scroll with the page.

Site Diagram



Dragon Saga



So to start off Bungie.net is my favorite website, the navbar is awesome I love hovering over it and having the text pop out thats how id like my navbar to be, the images on the site are really clean and well done as well.

For the dragon saga website I like the drop down menu with the purple light that appears when you hover over any of the words on the purple navbar.

Fallout's website has a link with a lot of the artwork which is really awesome of a gaming company to do of every area in there games which I can tell took a lot of work.

Serebii.net is cool because when you hover over the words on the side its a basic underline of what your hovering over and the sitehas a lot of material for pokemon.

Finally Trueachievements.com also has cool drop downs as well as keeping me posted on games coming out.


My layouts have the general idea of the design document as well as my portfolio page layout.

Color Palette

Logo & Header

My header is up top with my Logo which is TheAZNmike.


My favicon is a digital painting of me that a friend made for me cuz its awesome!