
Medical Office

Dr. Roger's Medical Office

Dr. Roger was born in Uruapan, Michohcan,Mexico. Dr. Roger graduated in January 1999 from UMSHN Cuniversidad Michoacano de San Nicolas de Hidqalgo. Dr. Roger volunteered as Paramedic for three years in Red Cross. Dr. Roger did his internship in Zacapu, Michohcan Mexico, where he assisted 276 delivers of infants in a period of 2 months.

Dr. Roger spent 4 months in the emergency room, handling all kinds of emergencies. Dr. Roger served on year of social service where he focused on education for the prevention of ST Ds, Diabetes, Hypertension, and the importance of exercise. Dr. Roger would walk eight miles to rural community's to promote these values.

Medical News

Half Of Emergency Care Doctors Prone To Burn-Out

One in two emergency care doctors is prone to burn-out, suggests a representative survey of French physicians, published online in Emergency Medicine Journal.

Whooping Cough In Oklahoma Worst In 50 Years

Health authorities in Oklahoma are urging its citizens to get vaccinated as it reports the worst whooping cough outbreak in the state in 50 years. At least 66 people so far have developed the disease, officials say. Neighboring state Texas has over 2,229 reported cases.